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Forgot iTunes Backup Password

It would be a horrible thing if you forgot the password of iTunes backup file. There are so many important content in it and you can't afford to lose them. So you have to recover the password as best as you can. Read more >>>

Jan 03, 2017 at 17:12 by Ivan Cook

Recover Password from iPhone Backup File

It would be a huge problem if you couldn't remember the password of iPhone backup file as there is no way to unlock it without correct password. However, you might be able to recover the password with those tips. Read more >>>

Mar 16, 2018 at 15:49 by Ivan Cook

Crack or Unlock iPhone Backup Password

You would be crazy if you prepared to restore lost data from previous iPhone backup but turned out to forget the password? It will be big loss if you failed to find out the correct password. Read more >>>

Apr 10, 2018 at 18:02 by Ivan Cook

How to Decrypt iPhone, iPad or iPod Backup

Decrypting iPhone backup password is challenging as it is encoded with strong algorithms, which makes it harder cracking the password other than normal password like Zip or office document. Read more >>>

Apr 10, 2018 at 14:35 by Ivan Cook

iTunes Asks for Bakcup Password Never Set

In default, iTunes will not encrypt backup file unless you set a password in it. The fact is that you are asked for a password to unlock backup file even you never set. This sounds weird, right? Here is the fix. Read more >>>

May 7 , 2018 at 14:15 by Ivan Cook

Remove Encryption on iPhone Backup File

In default, iTunes will not encrypt backup file unless you set a password in it. The fact is that you are asked for a password to unlock backup file even you never set. This sounds weird, right? Here is the fix. Read more >>>

May 15 , 2018 at 17:21 by Ivan Cook

Access iTunes Backup File without Password

iTunes is the best tool to make a full backup of iPhone, iPad or iPod. You can set a password on it so no one would access the file without permission. What is to do if you forgot the password? Read more >>>

June 14 , 2018 at 14:03 by Ivan Cook

Turn off iTunes Backup Encryption

You will be asked for a password when restoring iTunes backup to any iOS device. Hence, many users are more willing to disable this annoying alert during the process. You can learn how to do that in this article. Read more >>>

June 22 , 2018 at 16:41 by Ivan Cook

How to Change iPhone Backup Password

Most iPhone users will add a password to their iTunes backup files in order to protect it from illegal access. However, we need to change the password sometimes. How to do that? Read more >>>

Aug 9, 2018 at 14:54 by Ivan Cook

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